Xochimilco - Back
A small wooden boat bumps up against the side of the canal, swaying gently in the rippling water. A juniper tree sticks out of the shallow water nearby, bending in the mild breeze.
Mexico. Contemporain.
Valeur Occulte: 3. Indices: 0
After you successfully fight or evade an enemy at Xochimilco: Explore. Draw the top card of the exploration deck. If it is a location with a matching location symbol in the upper-left corner, place it on top of this location, taking its place.
Vlad Ricean
Renouveau – La Civilisation Oubliée #43. Renouveau – Par-delà les Limites #6.
Cartes en relation
- Xochimilco (The Boundary Beyond #172)
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