Acte. Stage 1

Indices: –
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After you succeed at a skill test at a Lair location during your turn: Reveal cards from the bottom of The Abyss for each point you succeed by. Draw 1 of them, shuffle the rest, and place them on top of The Abyss.

Spend 1 clue: You get +2 skill value for this skill test.

Objective - If each player has their "true" investigator card, advance.

Mauro Dal Bo
Le Festin de Hemlock Vale – Extension Campagne #155. Fate of the Vale #5.

Ex Nihilo - Back

As you come to your senses, you look up at the starry sky and blood-red moon high up above. You may be able to find a path back up to the surface.

Place clues on each revealed location up to its clue value.

Check the Campaign Log and gather the set-aside Residents encounter set and set-aside Cave locations.

- Mother Rachel has been devoured. Cross out Mother Rachel's name.

- Shuffle each resident whose name is crossed out into The Abyss, along with each Cave location.

- Each investigator may choose 1 resident at Relationship Level 4 or higher to put into play under their control, asset side faceup.

- Set each remaining card from the Residents encounter set aside, out of play.

Shattered Memories
Shattered Memories


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