Coterie Sanctuary - Back
The Red Coterie's inner sanctum is steeped in ancient tradition and ceremony, welcoming and sinister all at once.
Valeur Occulte: 4. Indices: 1.
: Reduce the cost of the next asset you play this round by 2. You may exhaust a Conspirator asset to treat this ability as a ability instead of an ability for this activation.
A treasure trove of aged books, preserved scrolls and dusty tomes fills this ancient hall, centuries of knowledge hidden away for only the Coterie to see.
Pixoloid Studios
Les Clefs Écarlates – Extension Campagne #208. Congrès des Clefs #15.

Cartes en relation
- Coterie Library : Coterie Sanctuary (Les Clefs Écarlates – Extension Campagne #209)
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