City Landscape - Back

"Yet now the sway of reason seemed irrefutably shaken, for this Cyclopean maze of squared, curved, and angled blocks had features which cut off all comfortable refuge. It was, very clearly, the blasphemous city of the mirage in stark, objective, and ineluctable reality."
– H. P. Lovecraft, At the Mountains of Madness



Valeur Occulte: 2. Indices: 1.

Spend two "0" keys: Add one of the spent "0" keys to the chaos bag (as a chaos token) for the remainder of the campaign. Record in the Campaign Log the team photographed the astronomical charts.

Alexander Chelyshev
Aux Confins de la Terre – Extension Campagne #131. La Cité des Anciens #11.
Ancient Planetarium
Ancient Planetarium


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