
Monstre. Geist. Ensorceleur. Spectral. Élite.

Combattre: 4. Vie: 2. Échapper à: 3.
Dégât: 1. Horreur: 1.

L'Hérétique gagne +2 vies.

Tant que l'Hérétique est dans un lieu non-Spectral, elle gagne Distant et ne peut ni être engagée, ni subir de dégâts.

Dépensez 1 indice : Discussion. Regardez le verso de l'Hérétique(sans résoudre son texte).

Forcé - Après que l'Hérétique a été vaincue : retournez-la et résolvez le texte au verso.

Stanislav Dikolenko
Le Salaire du Péché #178. Le Salaire du Péché #22.



The charred ghost thrashes and howls in agony, as though in a constant state of torment. You cannot ease its suffering, but perhaps you can bring it justice.

Keep this card in your threat area (this side faceup).

Forcé - At the end of the round: You must either take 1 damage or flip this card back to its enemy side.

If you are at The Gallows and it has no clues on it: Test or (4). If you succeed, the ghost is "banished" (resolve the text below).

Do not read until this ghost is "banished."

The fire spreads quickly, consuming the old wooden platform hungrily. The spirit's form twitches with a strange satisfaction.

Add this card to the victory display.

Victory 1.
Le Salaire du Péché #178. Le Salaire du Péché #22.
No image


(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)
  • NB: ArkhamDB now incorporates errata from the Arkham Horror FAQ in its card text, so the ArkhamDB text and the card image above differ, as the ArkhamDB text has been edited to contain this erratum (updated January 2022): Erratum: This card’s first ability should read: “Keep this card in your threat area (this side faceup). If you are eliminated, flip it over.” - FAQ, v.1.6, September 2019
Last updated


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