Acte. Stage 2
Indices: 2.
In the central chamber deep within the core of the ruins, the relic awaits.
: Explore. Draw the top card of the exploration deck. If it is a connecting location, put it into play and move to it.
Objective - Only investigators in the Chamber of Time may spend the requisite number of clues, as a group, to advance.
Vlad Ricean
Paradoxes Temporels #346. Remonter le Temps #3.
Reversal - Back
The relic hums with power and throbs in your hands. Energy from the device seeps into the corridors of the ruins, and the structure of the temple shifts. However, this does not matter to you. Escaping with the relic is no longer your goal. You skillfully work the hidden components of the device once more, manipulating the very fabric of time in the environment around you. Determined to stop all of this from having ever occurred, you turn the clock back once more.
Choose an investigator in the Chamber of Time to take control of the Relic of Ages.
Search the collection for Yig (The Forgotten Age card #296). Spawn it in the Chamber of Time.
Place this act in the victory display. It gains Vengeance 2.

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