Corps de Yithien
Prisonnier sous une Autre Forme


Monstre. Yithien.

  • 2
  • 2
  • 2
  • 2
Vie: 7. Santé Mentale: 7.

Chacun de vos soutiens Allié gagne le trait Yithien.

Après avoir attribué une carte à un test de compétence que vous effectuez : doublez les icônes de compétence sur cette carte. (Limite d'une fois par test.)

: +2. Piochez 1 carte.

Stephen Somers
La Cité des Archives #244. La Cité des Archives #-3.

Corps de Yithien - Back


Taille du Deck : identique à ce qu'elle était quand vous étiez humain.

Construction du Deck : les Yithiens ne peuvent pas construire de deck...

Exigences du Deck (ne comptent pas dans la limite de taille du deck) : vous souvenez-vous... ?

Puis, la tentation morbide de m'examiner devint de plus en plus forte et une nuit je ne pus résister. D'abord en baissant les yeux je ne vis absolument rien. Je compris bientôt pourquoi : ma tête se trouvait au bout d'un cou flexible d'une longueur démesurée. En contractant ce cou et, en regardant plus attentivement, je distinguai la masse squameuse, striée, iridescente d'un énorme cône de dix pieds de haut sur dix pieds de large à la base. C'est alors que mes hurlements éveillèrent la moitié d'Arkham tandis que je me précipitais comme un fou hors de l'abîme du sommeil.
– H. P. Lovecraft, Dans l'Abîme du Temps
Corps de Yithien
Corps de Yithien


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Just about strictly better than Preston Fairmont's investigator card in a Preston Fairmont deck. You get +1 to every skill, lose his passive drawback but keep Family Inheritance, gain a response trigger that combos well with a fair amount of Preston builds, and the Elder Sign ability is very slightly better (though it does lose the automatic success possibility for very high difficulty checks, +2 should cover most checks anyway). 10/10 would recommend being stuck in the City of the Great Race again.

Thatwasademo · 58
Oh man, that's so janky! I was going to say that it combos well with Monstrous Transformation (also very janky). — Zinjanthropus · 229
a yithian wrote this — HanoverFist · 742
Also great with Lola Hayes! — Lactamaeon · 13
Though, you lose deckbuilding options. Can you even spend exp if you're a yithian? — Mataza · 19
it must be terrible to live like this if you stuck in that body... oh my god — Makaramus · 5
I love this review. Thanks for the laugh. — EmmeBGG · 15

As investigators work differently they can be handled differently.

  • Duke is in the deck, not in play.
  • Preston's permanent is in play.
  • Joe has an unusable hunch deck and Diana has Dark Insight in her hand as those are deckbuilding requirements.
  • Sefina draws 13 cards and Lola chooses a role.

I've asked specifically about Sefina for this and the official answer is here:

Generally speaking, unless otherwise noted, scenario setup occurs during step 10 of setup (see: “Appendix III: Setting Up the Game” in the Rules Reference), whereas Sefina’s ability triggers when you would draw your opening hand, which happens in step 8. There are a few steps specifically in City of Archives that occur before this step (such as removing unique items and Alejandro), but everything else in the setup happens at the normal timing, during step 10. This means that Sefina will have already triggered her ability to draw 13 cards, place 5 events beneath her, etc. (This is why the Body of a Yithian rules explicitly say that cards that were placed beneath your investigator are placed beneath Body of a Yithian!)

vidinufi · 69
There is now an official answer that says that Duke does start in play. Lily's disciplines also start in play. See — MindControlMouse · 44