Intrigue. Stage 1
Fatalité: 5. Indices: –
You are deep in the jungle now, surrounded on all sides by the uncharted wilderness. All around you, the rainforest sings, its lyrics found in every chirping insect, every serpent’s hiss, every snapping tree branch.
: Explore. Draw the top card of the exploration deck. If it is a connecting location, put it into play and move to it.
Dimitri Bielak
Le Cœur des Anciens #207. Piliers du Jugement #1.
Are We Alone? - Back
After exploring the rainforest for hours, you reach the top of a steep ridge, from which you can see much of the surrounding area. Uncanny winged creatures caw at you from above, circling over the cavern entrance like vultures waiting for their meal. From this vantage point, you may be able to see approaching threats as they traverse the brush below. If only you had something to help you see farther…
Shuffle the encounter discard pile into the encounter deck.
The lead investigator chooses one investigator to be the group's lookout. That investigator checks his or her supplies.
If the lookout has binoculars, he or she is able to see the creature approaching and avoid it. The lookout suffers no ill effects.
If the lookout does not have binoculars, discard cards from the top of the encounter deck until an enemy is discarded. Spawn that enemy at the lookout's location.

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